Our Mission
Our mission at Big Jim Farms is to grow healthy organically grown produce for our surrounding communities while also allowing the communities to visit our 9-acre farm for a ‘New Mexican U-Pick Experience’ where visitors get to actually pick and roast their own green and red chile! We also grow and offer U-Pick for other produce items in season.
The U-Pick opportunity allows visitors to see where their food comes from, spend time outside with their families and learn about farming. We opened an educational field trip experience, Big Jim Kids’ Farm, where we invite students from surrounding public schools to visit our farm. Students leave the field trip empowered to grow their own food and are excited to share with this knowledge with their families. We do all this work so that others can learn how to grow their own food and not be so reliant on outside sources to provide their basic food needs.
Visitors also enjoy therapy through nature and a connection to their New Mexican heritage and the land. We are located in Los Ranchos, NM, but have visitors throughout New Mexico and tourists from all around the world. Most visitors are from Albuquerque, Los Ranchos, Corrales, Los Lunas and other surrounding areas. At Big Jim Farms, we promote buying local, healthy eating and building communities. We bring together families and get them away from a computer or phone screen for a fun outdoor experience. We want the communities in our State to thrive and to have fun positive experiences.